Friday, December 02, 2011

Leviathan on the Right: How Big-Government Conservatism Brought Down the Republican Revolution (Hardback)

Leviathan on the Right: How Big-Government Conservatism Brought Down the Republican Revolution (Hardback)

By Michael D. Tanner
A scathing look at how the rise of conservatives who believed big government could be used to further the conservative cause ultimately undermined the legacy of traditional conservatives and shattered the Republican revolution.

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About the Book
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For conservatives generally and the Republican Party in particular, now is a time of intense soul-searching. For the first time in a dozen years, Republicans have lost control of Congress. As a result, they are being forced to reexamine who they are and what they stand for.

It's about time. After all, more than a decade has passed since President Bill Clinton announced in his State of the Union address that "the era of big gov-ernment is over." Yet, since then, government has grown far bigger and far more intrusive. It spends more, regulates us more, and reaches far more into our daily lives than it did before the Republican Revolution. Behind this alarming trend stands the rise of a new brand of conservatism—one that believes big government can be used for conservative ends. It is a conservatism that ridicules F. A. Hayek and Barry Goldwater while embracing Teddy and even Franklin Roosevelt. It has more in common with Ted Kennedy than with Ronald Reagan.

Leviathan on the Right provides an incisive analysis of the roots and core beliefs of big-government conservatism and the major currents that fueled its growth—neoconservatism, the Religious Right, supply-side economics, national greatness conservatism, and Newt Gingrich–style technophilia—and offers a detailed critique of its policies on a wide range of issues.

The book contains a clear warning that, unless conservatives return to their small-government roots, the electoral defeat of 2006 is just the beginning.

Leviathan on the Right is the recipient of the Lysander Spooner Award for Advancing the Literature of Liberty.
About the Author
MICHAEL D. TANNER is director of health and welfare studies at the Cato Institute and is the leading advocate for private Social Security retirement accounts. He is also the editor of Social Security and Its Discontents, named by Choice magazine as one of its outstanding academic titles of 2003.
Number of Pages: 


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